​We are gathered.  We are fed. We are sent to make a difference in the world.

Sunday Worship 9:00 

Sunday School 10:30

Sunday Services

2018 Vacation Bible School


 Worship service begins at 9 a.m. every Sunday morning, followed by Sunday School for adults and children at 10:15 a.m. Join us for fellowship and worship with live music.  

This year we will use the ELCA World Hunger VBS material called God’s Good Creation. The focus is on the Earth, on the environment and our stewardship of it. Ruthie Brannen has volunteered to serve as this year’s VBS Director.

We’ve had a great first meeting about this summer’s Vacation Bible School and plans are underway. Mark your calendars and let Ruthie Brannen know if you’d like to participate in planning. Stay tuned to the website and other church publications for more details and registration forms as we move closer to the date.